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Artist Statement: A Diary of Growing Up

'A Diary of Growing Up' is a series of photographs that I began in 2012.  Like 'September is the Cruellest Month' these images are taken on a 4x5 large format camera using instant film, however, unlike this series it is not so much about commiserating time passing but a witnessing of the every day.

Many of these images are about the 'ordinary' or the 'everyday' life of a child.  Most are taken in or around our home - it is a celebration of how they turn the familiar into something quite beautiful & magical in a way that only a child can - these everyday moments include bathing in a paddling pool that they are clearly too big for or getting dirty in honour of the London Olympic cyclists or recording their falls, cuts, bruises & breaks as their boundaries are loosened & they enter the next phase of their childhood..